Palliative medication at the end of life: an honour and a right Palliative medications are a key component of good palliative care and can help to provide pain... Read more...
'Dying to talk' death cafes spark end of life care conversations in aged care As a palliative care nurse, I was involved as a stakeholder with Multicultural Village Aged Care... Read more...
Why My Care Matters: improving death literacy in aged care Australians are often uncomfortable talking about death. We like to think there is no good time... Read more...
Implementing the ELDAC Digital Dashboard across multiple residential care sites As an aged care service that has recently embedded the ELDAC Digital Dashboard into our IT... Read more...
Co-developing a self-care resource with aged care workers Although recognised as important, aged care staff can find it difficult to prioritise their own... Read more...
How to embed the ELDAC Digital Dashboard into your residential aged care facility When the ELDAC project called for expression of interests to integrate their Digital Dashboard... Read more...
The Importance of Self-Care During a Pandemic Self-care involves taking deliberate actions towards caring for your own health and wellbeing.... Read more...
How the ELDAC Digital Dashboard can help you to manage palliative and end of life care Palliative and end of life care are extremely important aspects of the services that residential... Read more...
Meet Akira. A story of reaching the hard to reach: experiential technology engaging care workers It is no secret that the heart and soul of aged care is carried by the personal care/support... Read more...