Online Training - Residential Aged Care

Online Training

Advance Care Planning

End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) is a training program for clinicians to improve knowledge about end of life law to enhance your capacity to manage legal issues in end of life decision-making, leading to improved quality of care and practice. This includes decisions that happen in the ‘last days and months of life’, and the planning and decision-making that happens before this (e.g. before a person has an illness or injury).

The online modules are free and registration is required to gain access to the eLearning on this website.

Palliative Care

The Centre for Palliative Care offers the free online course called Palliative Care: Getting Started for health professionals and is an important introduction to key palliative care concepts required to provide best practice clinical care. There is no registration, but to launch the course you will have to take a short survey used to improve the course. It takes about two hours to complete the online course.

Other professional development opportunities are listed that the Centre for Palliative Care provides for health care workers wanting to increase their knowledge and expertise in palliative care.

This online short course is a free self-paced MOOC developed by Flinders University, Resthaven and AnglicareSA. The program aims to support staff in community aged care to provide high-quality cross-cultural care for clients and to improve team cohesion. Join the program and download the companion workbook.

The program includes five modules:

  • - Module 1: An Introduction to cross-cultural care module for new staff
  • - Module 2: Cross-cultural communication
  • - Module 3: Cross-cultural leadership
  • - Module 4: Cross-cultural dementia care
  • - Module 5: Cross-cultural end-of-life care.
Although the course is not specifically targeted for people providing home care you may find it helpful.

The Equip Aged Care Learning Modules produced by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania are freely available for anyone interested in the aged care sector.

There are introductory modules for those new to the sector and also refresher modules for those familiar with aged care. A range of aged care related topics are covered including palliative care and the end of life.

The free palliAGED Introduction Modules for Aged Care provide nurses with training in palliative care, including topics on symptom management. A companion manual is also available for the modules with further detail about information and tools referred to in the modules.

See > Other Online Resources (short videos, webinars, factsheets)

Page updated 07 December 2023