Bereavement - Our Care Model - ELDAC


Grief is what we experience when we cope with loss. Bereavement describes the feelings, thoughts, and physical reactions that come with the death of someone important to us. For caregivers of people with dementia, the experience of loss can start even before the person has died. This feeling, known as anticipatory grief, occurs when caregivers begin to feel the emotional impact of losing that person and the relationship they had.

How people experience grief and loss

Everyone mourns differently. How you experience grief can be influenced by various factors such as your age, past experiences with loss, and your beliefs or religion. The type of relationship you had with the deceased may also play a role in how you grieve. For older adults, grief may also relate to other losses like declining health, unfulfilled life plans, and needing more help from others.

Supporting families after the death of a loved one

Family members of older people receiving care may still feel shocked and sad after the person dies, even if they knew the person was ageing and unwell. Helping families understand the decline in their loved one's health can prepare them for the eventual loss.

What you can do

Care workers and aged care nurses often know both the older person and their family well, allowing them to provide compassionate support after a death. You can:

  • Acknowledge

  • Share information

  • Refer

  • Extend support

Acknowledge the loss and create a safe environment for older people and families to express their feelings.

Share helpful information about grief and recommend community resources, like support groups.

When someone is having a hard time with their grief, suggesting they talk to their doctor or another healthcare professional can be beneficial.

Many aged care facilities offer pastoral care and hold memorial services for their residents.

Bereavement guidelines offer useful information on how to support family caregivers, evaluate their needs, create a care plan, prepare for death, and provide bereavement support.

Find out more

  • ELDAC Toolkit videos
  • ELDAC Toolkits
  • ELDAC Self-Care Room
  • CareSearch
  • Grief Australia

Watch the After Death Care and Bereavement video to understand more on after death care and acknowledging grief and loss.

The following ELDAC Toolkits provide tailored information and guidance on bereavement:

The ELDAC Self-care Room has resources and ideas for taking care of yourself.

Grief Australia offers information and education for professionals on grief and bereavement.