End of Life Law - Capacity and consent to medical treatment - Factsheets


These factsheets provide further information about the law on consent to medical treatment.

  Prior to reading these factsheets, please read the Overview of capacity and consent to medical treatment  for essential information about the law on decision-making capacity, and consent to medical treatment.

Minor or routine treatment

In some States, in exceptional circumstances, treatment or health care that is minor or routine in nature e.g. suturing a wound may be able to be provided without consent. This factsheet explores the law on consent for minor or routine treatment or health care.

Factsheet for aged care providers

Obtaining consent to medical treatment is not only a legal requirement but good clinical practice in aged and palliative care. It is also a key requirement under the Australian Aged Care Quality Standards. This factsheet for aged care providers (including RACFs and home care services) explains the fundamentals of the law on consent to medical treatment.

Page updated 26 August 2024