Our Care Model - ELDAC

ELDAC Care Model

The ELDAC Care Model shows aged and primary care staff a way to think about the needs of older people who may receive a palliative care diagnosis and/or who may be declining and approaching the end of life.

It highlights different elements that can contribute to holistic and person-centred care where dying can be anticipated.

Palliative care for older people

As our population gets older, aged care is increasingly involved in caring for older people at the end of their lives. Palliative care is an important part of care for older people. Our pages on Understanding palliative care and Understanding the Standards help aged and primary care staff understand their role in palliative care and how other services can contribute to care.

Where did the model come from?

The ELDAC Care Model was developed after reviewing major Australian policy documents. It aligns with the Aged Care Standards and the National Palliative Care Standards. The model visually shows that care continues from planning through to end of life care, including support for grief, loss, and bereavement. The model was reviewed and approved by the ELDAC Partnership Group, which included experts from three universities, four peak bodies, and senior aged care organisations.

How to use the model?

You can use the ELDAC Care Model as an individual or as a service.

As an individual, it can help you determine:

  • whether a person is approaching the end of their life
  • how to plan and deliver care for a person
  • how a person’s care needs might change over time
  • what resources would be useful in providing care, and
  • whether you have education or learning needs.

As a service, you can use the model to:

  • identify training and education needs
  • consider the need for new procedures and practices
  • review current care performance
  • look at how to develop your workforce, and
  • assist in meeting the Aged Care Quality Standards.

How the Care Model has been applied

Each of the ELDAC Toolkits has information and resources relating to the elements of the ELDAC Care Model.

The ELDAC Digital Dashboard has incorporated the ELDAC Care Model elements into a reporting and guidance system.