Talking with Families - Our Products- ELDAC

Talking with Families

Involving families at key times in the older person’s care helps identify what truly matters when things change. It also helps create a more meaningful and positive end of life experience.

The Talking with Families campaign was designed to support aged care staff in starting these important conversations early and continuing them as care needs evolve. From August to November 2024, the campaign offered printed resource Kits for managers and downloadable resources for staff.

The Kits included a variety of practical resources - ideal for staff to build their knowledge to have meaningful conversations with families, and for managers to use as tools to enhance service processes.

The Kits also included handouts from other National Palliative Care Projects funded by the Australian Government. Below are the links to these handouts:

While this campaign has now concluded, these valuable resources remain available for you to access from our Download Resources page.

Starting important conversations

Hear from some aged care staff and family members on why starting conversations with family about care at the end of life is important.

  • " It would be very beneficial to have that forward plan with the family...and a reminder to review those conversations with the those key turning points. "

    Matthew, Home Care Service Manager
  • " Looking ahead helps family members prepare for the end of their relative’s life. Its hard but its better to know what’s ahead. "

    Nina, family carer
  • " This is something important that you should be thinking about, discussing and planning for. "

    Matthew, Home Care Service Manager
  • " Ongoing conversations at key times helps build trust with family members of people using aged care. It shows respect. "

    Rena, aged care nurse

Want to know more?

Watch our webinar recording, End of Life Conversations in Aged Care, where three experts share insights into the benefits of these discussions for families, staff, and aged care services.

Watch the video