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Do you want some quick self-care wins?

We’ve spoken to aged care workers and found there are some helpful ways in which they are taking care of themselves. Regardless of who you are, these are five things that you can do.

Download 5 self-care wins

Do you need more inspiration?

Aged care staff have been sharing their own ideas for self-care. Here are 5 ideas for self-care that have been shared with us.

We will update these regularly with new ideas.

When I have time between clients, and no matter where I am, I go for a walk. Just remember where you parked the car.

Listen to a short self-compassion meditation.

Time to myself in the morning to quietly meditate and or journal my intention for the day... allowing myself time to wake up.

Strengthen my spiritual health daily.

I end my shower with a cold shower in the end of the day as it helps me physically and mentally to ease down and relax. It is a type of grounding technique to calm myself down especially during a busy day.

Download more ideas

Do you want to inspire others?

  • Share an idea for self-care. No idea is too small or insignificant. If it works for you, it may work for someone else too.