Other Ways to Gain Experience - Dementia

Other Ways to Gain Experience

Post Graduate Qualifications

If you have qualifications that provide entry into postgraduate courses then CareSearch has gathered a comprehensive list of Australian universities and organisations that offer postgraduate programs in palliative care.


For professional development opportunities check out CareSearch’s comprehensive listing of conferences being held nationally and internationally.

Short Courses and Workshops

For further professional development in palliative care, see the list compiled by CareSearch on short courses and workshops. The Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania offers the Dementia MOOCs. While not specific to palliative care the Understanding Dementia MOOC does cover aspects of palliative care.

Clinical Experiences

The Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) program has a specific Aged Care team to assist in supporting people to undertake an observational placement of 2-5 days in a specialist palliative care inpatient, community or hospital based consultancy setting. There is also a program called Reverse PEPA/IPEPA Placements that means a specialist palliative care educator can come to your workplace to facilitate learning for 2-4 days. Further information can be found on the PEPA website.

Page created 03 October 2024