I am an Allied Health Professional - About You - ELDAC

Allied Health Professionals in Aged Care

Allied health professionals support older people in managing health conditions and maintaining independence and engagement. They are also involved in providing palliative care for older people as their health deteriorates..

Each of the allied health disciplines can offer a range of therapeutic services specific to their training. Collectively, allied health team members aim to work together with the medical team, the person and their family/carers to deliver client-centred care and enhance quality of life and quality of death.

The following resources are intended to help support allied health best practice in palliative care and aged care.

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    I am starting in aged care

    • The Equip Aged Care Learning Modules cover a range of topics including the Australian Aged Care System, the role of nurses, and the Aged Care Quality Standards.
    • The ELDAC Allied Health Toolkit has a section on practising in aged care.
    • The ELDAC Primary Care Toolkit and Residential Aged Care Toolkit provide an overview of how palliative care and end of life care is delivered across different care settings.
    • Funding and Rebates in the ELDAC Allied Health Toolkit provides an overview of the various funding models that can be proposed to fund allied health input in residential and home-based aged care.
    • The ELDAC Allied Health Checklist is a tool to use with older adults to identify ‘how they are going’ and the need for allied health services.
    • The Allied Health toolkit Guidance and Research page offers a search function and links to practice ready evidence summaries to guide best practice in aged care and palliative care or support further study in this area.