Building staff education and confidence through the ELDAC Linkages Program The Butler Canberra is excited to participate in the ELDAC Linkages Program as we recognise the... Read more...
Workforce projects to improve palliative care expertise and knowledge in aged care Palliative care has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as a global health priority... Read more...
Advance Care Planning - Why are the numbers so low and how can we fix it? The prevalence of advance care planning in primary care is vastly lower than in aged care and... Read more...
Research shows the importance of Advance Care Planning in reducing ED presentations In the largest study of its kind undertaken to date, newly published Australian research has... Read more...
The road ahead for primary care in supporting Australians at the end of life The COVID-19 pandemic over the last few years has stretched the healthcare workforce, and the... Read more...
End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) Toolkits: Giving People the Right Tools for the Job The number of Australians over the age of 65 is rising, and during the next three decades, the... Read more...