

A Comprehensive End of Life Care Approach for Diverse Populations

A Comprehensive End of Life Care Approach for Diverse Populations 805

A guest blog by Prof Deborah Parker, ELDAC Chief Investigator, and Dr Holly Mack, ELDAC Senior Research Fellow, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Older Australians are from many different backgrounds with their culture and life experiences influencing their care preferences and choices. Therefore, it is essential to consider the needs of diverse populations when providing inclusive, compassionate, and person-centred end of life care. The ELDAC Diverse Populations suite of resources offers pivotal organisational tools, empowering aged care providers to enhance their capabilities in catering to the unique needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds.

There are 2 sets of free resources for the provision of inclusive, quality end of life care:

  • Supporting Inclusive End of Life Care Companion Guides for Diverse Populations
  • Diverse Populations End of Life Needs Assessment Packages

Supporting Inclusive End of Life Care Companion Guides for Diverse Populations

The ELDAC Supporting Inclusive End of Life Care companion guides are organisational resources available to assist aged care providers in identifying and implementing system responses to improve organisational capacity in supporting advance care planning, and providing culturally safe and inclusive palliative care for people from diverse backgrounds.

The companion guides are to be used with key resources from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care: Aged Care Diversity Framework and Provider Action Plans, and the Specialisation Verification Framework.

The Companion Guides are available for 3 diverse population groups:

Diverse Populations End of Life Needs Assessment Packages

The Assessment is a strategic guide designed for quality improvement. Facilitated through working group meetings led by senior staff, this assessment:

  • offers valuable insights, guidance, and resources for palliative care and advance care planning tailored to diverse population groups.
  • includes case studies and resources specific to diverse groups, equipping care providers with essential resources for delivering sensitive and effective care.
  • aligns with the Aged Care Quality Standards to ensure a consistent commitment to evidence-based practices.
  • guides quality improvement activities by pinpointing best practices and identifying necessary system changes for ongoing quality improvement in end of life care for diverse backgrounds.

Tailored to specific population groups, the Assessment Package addresses the unique requirements of care leavers/Forgotten Australians, people affected by forced adoption, veterans, and those who have experienced homelessness. The Assessment also can be used to consider the end of life needs of people from other diverse population groups not listed. Each package comprises three key components:

  1. Facilitator’s Guide: An all-encompassing guide on how to conduct and implement the assessment, providing a framework for discussion and review.
  2. Workbook for Staff: A targeted workbook specific to the diversity group, aiding staff in understanding and documenting the assessment. It includes case studies for practical application.
  3. Facilitator Presentation Slides: A set of slides designed to guide the meeting, ensuring a cohesive and informative session.

The Assessment Packs has specific versions available for both Residential Aged Care and Home Care settings.

The ELDAC Diverse Populations resources suite supports aged care providers towards a more inclusive and responsive approach to end of life care. By recognising the unique needs of diverse populations, the principles of compassionate and person-centred care can be upheld, ensuring that every individual is treated with dignity and respect.Top of Form


Profile picture of Professor Deborah Parker

Professor Deborah Parker
ELDAC Chief Investigator, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Profile picture of Dr Holly Mack

Dr Holly Mack
ELDAC Senior Research Fellow, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
