Palliative care practice in primary care is supported through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. There are no specific palliative care MBS items. Instead other MBS items are used to reimburse the delivery of palliative care.
Medicare item numbers are subject to change. Please also refer to MBS Online for any updates.
From Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)
To be eligible for the PIP general practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (ACAI), general practitioners must:
To receive the:
Eligible GPs can get 4 payments totalling $10,000 for the financial year, in addition to the consultation fee.
Eligible MBS services are those provided to residents in Commonwealth-funded residential aged care facilities and Multipurpose Services.
Multipurpose Services are integrated health and aged care services that provide flexible and sustainable service options for small rural and remote communities.
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) services that count towards the Quantifying Service Level include:
The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items that count towards the Quantifying Service Levels are:
Advance is an eLearning module for practice managers that is provides an introduction to advance care planning and palliative and supportive care, introduction of the Advance Project® and resources and support to integrate the Advance Project® resources into your general practice.
Page updated 11 December 2023