Primary Care - HealthPathways Engagement and Development

HealthPathways Engagement and Development

Health practitioners are encouraged to participate in the development and refinement of their local HealthPathways by:

Each pathway is evidence-informed, but also reflects local reality, and aims to preserve clinical autonomy and patient choice. Content is developed collaboratively by Clinical Editors, Clinical Leads and clinical working groups comprised of local general practitioners, hospital clinicians, and a wide range of other health professionals, through a process which documents guidelines for conditions within the HealthPathways.

Clinical Editors

Clinical editors are responsible for the majority of work in the development of each pathway. They write/edit pathway content and liaise with Subject Matter Experts and Clinical Leads.

Clinical Leads

Clinical leads are responsible for the final review and endorsement of each pathway before it is published to the live site.

Subject Matter Experts and general practitioner reviewers

Subject matter experts and general practitioner reviewers participate in working groups and contribute clinical input, expertise, and referral information during the development of pathways.

Technical Writers

Technical writers, from New Zealand, work with Clinical Editors to ensure HealthPathways editorial and content standards are met before publishing pathways online.

Page updated 16 May 2022