End of Life Care in Aged Care - Allied Health

End of Life Care in Aged Care

ELDAC provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians. High quality palliative care is essential to ensuring that the older person can live their life as fully and comfortably as possible as they approach death. Compassionate, respectful, and individualised support for older people approaching the end of their lives is therefore a necessary component of aged care services.

ELDAC is a multifaceted change program connecting individuals and services in both home care, primary care and residential care to tools, resources and change mechanisms for best possible care at the end of life. It builds workforce as well as service and sector level capability to manage all of end of life, including palliative and terminal stage. Allied health is a core part of the aged care workforce.

The ELDAC website is free to access and offers a range of information and practical tools including eight toolkits to support clinicians and care providers to plan and provide quality palliative and end of life care.

The project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and is delivered by a consortium of three universities and four national peak bodies from aged care, palliative care, and primary care.

Page updated 26 April 2023