Talking with Families - Aged Care Matters - ELDAC

Talking with families

Find out why conversations with families are important and how it can help improve the end of life experience.

Involving families at key times in their older relative’s care helps identify what matters when things change and improves the end of life experience. The following information and resources help support managers and staff to engage with families about end of life care. Building on initial conversations over time helps develop trust and relationships for these sensitive conversations.

Starting important conversations

Hear from some aged care staff and family members on why starting conversations with family about care at the end of life is important.

  • " It would be very beneficial to have that forward plan with the family...and a reminder to review those conversations with the those key turning points. "

    Matthew, Home Care Service Manager
  • " Looking ahead helps family members prepare for the end of their relative’s life. Its hard but its better to know what’s ahead. "

    Nina, family carer
  • " This is something important that you should be thinking about, discussing and planning for. "

    Matthew, Home Care Service Manager
  • " Ongoing conversations at key times helps build trust with family members of people using aged care. It shows respect. "

    Rena, aged care nurse


The ELDAC Talking with Families Kits provide information and resources to support staff engage with families about care at the end of life. The Kits are free and available for managers, nurses, advisors, care workers and other staff.

Service Kit

Service Kit

The Service Kit contains the following information, fact sheets, conversation starters and other resources to support your staff to engage with families about care at the end of life.

  • How to use this kit
  • Service Action Plan
  • Environment Checklist
  • Key Turning Points A3 Poster
  • Information Session slides
  • Conversation Starters Fact Sheet
  • Conversation Starters for Nurses
  • Conversation Starters for Care Workers
  • Tips for Nurses - Case Conferences
  • Tips for Nurses - Advance Care Planning
  • Talking with Families Information Brochure
  • CareSearch Booklet for Patients, Carers and Families
  • Handout - Anticipatory Grief and Loss
  • Handout - What is Palliative Care?
  • Handout - What is Advance Care Planning?

Order the Service Kit

Careworkers and Nurses Kit

Nurses, Advisors and Care Workers Kit

Talking with families early about what to expect helps builds trust and relationships. You can use the resources in this Kit to identify the key times to talk and how to start these conversations.

  • How to use this kit
  • Key Turning Points A3 Poster
  • Information Session slides
  • Conversation Starters Fact Sheet
  • Conversation Starters for Nurses
  • Conversation Starters for Care Workers
  • Tips for Nurses - Case Conferences
  • Tips for Nurses - Advance Care Planning
  • Talking with Families information Brochure
  • CareSearch Booklet for Patients, Carers and Families
  • Handout - Anticipatory Grief
  • Handout - What is Palliative Care?
  • Handout - What is Advance Care Planning?

Download the Kit

Webinar recording now available

Thank you to everyone who joined our webinar on 'Talking with Families about Care at the End of Life'. If you missed the webinar, or would like to listen again, you can now watch the video below.

Watch the video


Information for Families and Carers

The resources on this page have been specifically tailored for staff working in the aged care sector. If you are a family member or carer looking for information and resources about providing palliative care or advance care planning, the following websites can help.


Access the Resources

Please fill in the form below to register to download and order the Talking with Families resources.


Page updated 25 September 2024