Involving families at key times in their older relative’s care helps identify what matters when things change and improves the end of life experience. The following information and resources help support managers and staff to engage with families about end of life care. Building on initial conversations over time helps develop trust and relationships for these sensitive conversations.
Starting important conversations
Hear from some aged care staff and family members on why starting conversations with family about care at the end of life is important.
" It would be very beneficial to have that forward plan with the family...and a reminder to review those conversations with the those key turning points. "
Matthew, Home Care Service Manager
" Looking ahead helps family members prepare for the end of their relative’s life. Its hard but its better to know what’s ahead. "
Nina, family carer
" This is something important that you should be thinking about, discussing and planning for. "
Matthew, Home Care Service Manager
" Ongoing conversations at key times helps build trust with family members of people using aged care. It shows respect. "
Rena, aged care nurse