I am a Nurse - About You - ELDAC

Nurses in aged care

Nurses are highly skilled health professionals who support the health and wellbeing of older people across care settings.

Critical responsibilities of nurses involve assessment and planning of care needs, patient monitoring, management of symptoms and conditions, working in multidisciplinary teams to coordinate and provide care, and clinical decision making across the person’s journey. Palliative care is no exception.

The following resources are intended to help nurses learn more about palliative care provision, relevant to their scope and practice setting.

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    I am new to palliative care

    As a newly qualified nurse or if you are changing the focus of your care, you may not be confident in delivering palliative care or discussing advance care planning. Care that meets the needs of our diverse population also needs to be considered. The following resources can help build your knowledge of these key aspects of care:

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    I am new to aged care

    If you are new to aged care, these resources can help you learn the basics and understand what nurses need to know. Caring for and supporting people from all backgrounds, especially older Australians, is an important part of building your knowledge and skills. Developing these skills can boost your confidence and help you provide better care.

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    Developing my skills

    As part of continuing professional development, it is important to identify the knowledge and skills/competencies required to provide quality care as health care professionals. Planning to meet your professional learning needs and knowing what educational resources are available will assist you in upskilling in palliative care and advance care planning.

    Assess your learning needs


    Placements and experiential learning

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    Clinical and practice information

    End of life law

    • The ELDAC End of Life Law Toolkit contains useful resources on common issues that arise in aged care related to advance care planning, voluntary assisted dying, substitute decision-making and managing disputes.
    • For further training, the End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) is a course that is available for nurses to complete on end of life law.

    While nursing skills are universal, the setting of care can influence how you plan and deliver care.

    The following resources provide setting specific information.

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    Tools to support your practice

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    Reform changes

    Nurses need to be aware of the policy changes affecting aged care which will come into effect in 2025 including the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards, a human rights-based Aged Care Act and the Support at Home program. You can find information about these on the Aged Care Safety and Quality Commission’s Reform changes for workers web page.