References - Residential Aged Care


  1. Commonwealth of Australia. A National Framework for Advance Care Directives. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing,  Canberra, 2011.
  2. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. National Consensus Statement: essential elements for safe and high-quality end-of-life care. Sydney: ACSQHC, 2015.
  3. Palliative Care Australia. The National Palliative Care Standards (the Standards), 5th Edition, Sydney: PCA, 2018.
  4. Thomas K, Armstrong Wilson J, GSF Team. Proactive Identification Guidance (PIG) National Gold Standards Framework Centre in End of Life Care. 2016. Accessed 6 March 2018.
  5. Collaboration between Palliative Care Australia, Alzheimer’s Australia, COTA Australia, Aged & Community Services Australia, Leading Age Services Australia, Catholic Health Australia and the Aged Care Guild, Principles for Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Residential Aged Care, 2017. (613Kb-PDF)
  6. The National Clinical Programme for Palliative Care, HSE Clinical Strategy, The Palliative Care Needs Assessment Guidance: Published in July 2014, Edition number: 1.0, Review date: January 2016.
  7. Kristjanson LJ, Cousins K, Smith J, Lewin G (2005) Evaluation of the Bereavement Risk Index (BRI): A community hospice care protocol for bereavement support. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 11(12): 610-618.

Page updated 29 March 2018