Primary Care - Education and Training Resources

Education and Training Resources


Providing medication for pain and symptom relief
End of Life Directions in Aged Care (ELDAC)
This factsheet provides information on responsibilities around providing medication for pain and symptom relief.
Futile and non-beneficial treatment
End of Life Directions in Aged Care (ELDAC)
This factsheet provides information on the delivery of futile and non-beneficial treatment.


ELDAC Dementia Toolkit
End of Life Directions in Aged Care (ELDAC)
This toolkit provides information and guidance to support palliative care and advance care planning for people living with dementia and their families.

ELDAC End of Life Law Toolkit
End of Life Directions in Aged Care (ELDAC)
This toolkit provides practical information about the law at the end of life. It contains useful resources on end of life legal issues commonly encountered in aged care through factsheets, case studies, mythbuster information and other resources.

PEPA (Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach)
Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA)
The Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) aims to enhance the capacity of health professionals to deliver a palliative care approach through their participation in either clinical placements in specialist palliative care services or interactive workshops.

Health care professional education
The caring@home resources support community-based services to improve and promote effective symptom management. Education is provided for registered nurses, general practitioners, nurse practitioners, community pharmacists and allied health professionals.

Online Learning Modules

Management of subcutaneous infusions in palliative care
Queensland Health

These online learning modules support clinicians in the management of subcutaneous infusions in palliative care. A printed module is available in addition to the online versions.

PEPA online learning module: General practitioners and rural and remote medical practitioners
Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA)

This online learning module covers key topics in palliative care provide activities to consolidate learning and direct users to other sources of information that should enable them to further develop their knowledge and skills in palliative care. For full access to this module, you will first need to create an account. Registering to access the eLearning is free.

Advance eLearning Modules
The Advance Project

Advance is a free toolkit of screening and assessment tools and a training package. The project is specifically designed to support nurses in Australian general practices to work with general practitioners to initiate palliative care and advance care planning in everyday general practice.

PEPA online learning module: Nurses and allied health professionals
Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA)

This online learning module covers key topics in palliative care provide activities to consolidate learning and direct users to other sources of information that should enable them to further develop their knowledge and skills in palliative care. For full access to this module, you will first need to create an account. Registering to access the eLearning is free.


Palliative Care Online Training
Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association

An online training program to assist health professionals who provide palliative care in community aged care.

The learning modules aim to develop skills and confidence, and cover the knowledge and values needed to communicate and care for people with a life limiting illness and/or are approaching the final stages of the normal ageing process.

The package of online training has 7 modules and supporting resources. Modules 1–4 are based on the best practice guidelines—The Guidelines for a Palliative Approach for Aged Care in the Community Setting (COMPAC). Modules 5, 6 and 7are skill modules. The modules offered include:

  • Module 1—A Palliative Approach to Care
  • Module 2—Planning and Assessment
  • Module 3—Providing Care to Clients and Carers
  • Module 4—Delivering a Palliative Approach for Aged Care in the Community Setting
  • Module 5—Pain Management
  • Module 6—Recognising Deteriorating Clients
  • Module 7—Practicing Self-care

Enrolled nurses
PCC4U EN Toolkit
Palliative Care Curriculum for Undergraduates

The PCC4U EN Toolkit aims to develop capacity in the enrolled nurse workforce, providing care for people with life-limiting conditions. The suite of eLearning modules and supporting resources have been designed to support learning in EN training packages. They are aligned to the unit of competency HLTENN010 Apply a Palliative Approach in Nursing Practice, and to EN standards for practice.


End of Life Law for Clinicians
Australian Centre for Health Law Research, QUT

This online training course is designed for medical practitioners and students, nurses and allied and other health professionals focuses on the law relating to end of life decision-making.

There are 12 modules:

  • The role of law in end of life care
  • Capacity and consent to medical treatment
  • Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment
  • Advance Care Planning and Advance Care Directives
  • Substitute decision-making for medical treatment
  • Legal protection for administering pain and symptom relief
  • Children and end of life decision-making
  • Futile or non-beneficial treatment
  • Emergency treatment for adults
  • Managing conflict
  • Voluntary assisted dying
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and end of life law


Enhancing Primary and Palliative Care
The Agency for Clinical Innovation

This seminar by Prof Geoffrey Mitchell describes research into the role of primary care in palliative care.



This smartphone app supports GPs who are caring for older palliative patients living at home or in residential care. As most deaths are expected, death can be planned for and the required care delivered in a pre-emptive fashion.




This app helps nurses working in residential aged care, community care and general practice to care for older people with palliative care needs. The app highlights a care framework built around three care processes – advance care planning, palliative care cases conferences and a care plan for the dying person.




This app helps familiarise primary care prescribers with eight palliative care medicines that have been endorsed by the Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM) for management of terminal symptoms. The ANZSPM-endorsed medicines can be used to manage common emergent symptoms in home-based palliative care patients in the last few weeks of life, when people often have problems swallowing.

News article

GPs and palliative care: Frequently asked questions newsGP
GPs and palliative care: Frequently asked questions, 2018, newsGP, 11 November.

This article discusses GPs common questions regarding palliative care in gnerela practice with Ass. Prof. Joel Rhee, Chair of the RACGP Specific Interests Cancer and Palliative Care Network.

Page updated 18 December 2023