Primary Care - Syringe Drivers

Syringe Drivers

A syringe driver are commonly used for symptom management and are used to provide continuous medications subcutaneously when a person is no longer able to swallow. These devices are battery or mains powered devices that deliver medications at a controlled rate via continuous subcutaneous infusion. Many medications used in syringe drivers have narrow margins of error, making adverse drug events occurring during prescription, preparation, dispensing and administration an important consideration.

Syringe drivers
This webpage describes the clinical evidence supporting use of syringe drivers in palliative care.

Guidelines for subcutaneous infusion device managements in palliative care
Queensland Health

These are guidelines to inform practice, development of policy and procedures, and associated training and education programs for clinicians and palliative care services in relation to portable subcutaneous infusion device management.

Syringe driver drug compatibility
Palliative Care Adult Network Guidelines, UK

This is an online calculator for checking the compatibility of various combinations of medications for use in a syringe driver.

Management of Subcutaneous Infusions in Palliative Care
Queensland Health

These online learning modules support clinicians in the management of subcutaneous infusions in palliative care. A printed module is available in addition to the online versions.

Page updated 29 March 2018