Finding evidence to support staff working in aged care home care programs as well as those preparing guidance or resource documents can be tricky. The Home Care Search Filter lets you search for research evidence in the PubMed database with one-click.
Search filters are experimentally tested searches that are designed to find the most relevant literature on a specific topic. You do not need to construct the search because an expert team of researchers and librarians have done the hard work. We have then combined the search filter with common care issues to help you find the information you are looking for.
This search retrieves all PubMed articles captured by the Home Care Search Filter. You can choose all the articles or those with an Australian context or only those that are free full text.
These searches are already limited to home care articles only but deal with specific issues.
The development of the Home Care Search Filter has been supported by the research expertise of the Flinders researchers. You can find links to a range of different searches useful to aged care on the Flinders Filters site including bereavement, dementia, palliative care, and residential aged care.
Read more about the development of the Home Care Search Filter in the ELDAC Understanding our Home Care Search filter report (324kb pdf).
Page updated 27 February 2023