Self-care Room - Online Self-CareTool - Our products

Self-care Room

Welcome to the Self-care Room. A place for aged care workers, with resources to discover and explore, to use now or when needed, to download and share.


    "We work in an industry where we're here to care for others, and often forget to take care of ourselves".
    (RN, RAC)

  • "I feel like I'm constantly taking care of other people and other people's needs, and if I'm not also taking care of my own needs, I can start to grow resentful"(CW, Home care)

  • "If I was to burn myself out, then I'm really not going to be a benefit. If I go to work tired and stressed out, I'm not going to give my all to what I need to do, to look after my residents"(PCW, RAC)

  • "On top of COVID, on top of reform, there is the day-to-day business which in aged care is all about essentially living until death and dying is your companion".
    (RN, RAC)