
3 Key impacts of the ELDAC Linkages experience

3 Key impacts of the ELDAC Linkages experience 856

A guest blog by Toni Arndell, ELDAC National Engagement Manager

Staff from North Eastern Community Hospital pictured above (L-R): Ruby Sharda (RN), Cindy Tang (CN), Mandy Kaur (CM), Sarah Dobrota Care and Quality Manager-Aged Care, Coline Tangi (CN).

Providing quality care for older people, especially those nearing the end of life, is a priority for many health services in Australia. The ELDAC (End of Life Directions for Aged Care) Linkages impact videos offer valuable insights and practical tools to improve this critical care. Sharing authentic experiences is a powerful way of inspiring others to take action, personal stories demonstrate genuine impact and evoke emotion; if others recognise their own similar struggles and triumphs it can motivate them to take up a similar path.

By answering 3 key questions raised in the videos, we can explore how these resources and the ELDAC project benefits service providers:

1. How has ELDAC Linkages improved your services' approach to delivering person-centred palliative care?

The ELDAC Linkages videos showcase the importance of a person-centred approach to palliative care. By addressing the individual needs, preferences, and cultural backgrounds of older Australians, services can offer more tailored care. The videos guide staff on how to better understand patient wishes, improving the overall approach to care delivery and ensuring that older people are treated with dignity and respect at the end of life.

“ELDAC has made a big difference to our residents and clients by educating the nursing staff, care coordinators and care workers who deliver the care, its improved the overall quality of care that we provide and improved our clients lives” – ELDAC Linkages participant

2. How has ELDAC Linkages improved your skills and confidence in delivering palliative care?

For many aged care workers, discussing end-of-life care can be a daunting task. The ELDAC Linkages videos help build confidence by providing clear guidance and real-world examples of palliative care conversations. Through these resources, staff can gain the skills to approach difficult topics with ease, ensuring they feel more prepared to handle these sensitive moments and deliver high-quality care.

“ Bringing us all together for education,  has reinvigorated our passion for palliative care… all coming together to do the training has also been about team building and team bonding” – ELDAC Linkages participant

3. Which ELDAC tools and resources did you find most useful?

The ELDAC Linkages videos highlight a range of tools and resources that support palliative care delivery. Many staff have found the ELDAC website, training modules, and mobile app to be particularly useful. These tools provide easy access to information, making it simpler for staff to enhance their knowledge and stay updated on best practices, ultimately improving care quality.

Incorporating the ELDAC Linkages videos into staff training can lead to more compassionate, informed, and culturally sensitive care, ensuring older Australians receive the support they deserve at the end of life.

“There was a list of tools and resources that ELDAC provided took us on a journey” – ELDAC Linkages participant

The videos are available to watch anytime on the ELDAC Linkages Program page.

Toni Arndell

Toni Arndell
ELDAC National Engagement Manager
