
Networking with other providers to tackle challenges in aged care

Networking with other providers to tackle challenges in aged care 629

A guest blog post by Latika Dumaru, Clinical Manager, and Karen Conroy, Facility Manager at Rockpool Carseldine

Rockpool Carseldine is a leading provider of aged care services in Australia. The company has built a strong reputation for its quality services, compassionate care, and commitment to excellence. As part of its mission to provide the best possible care to its residents, Rockpool Carseldine is actively participating in the ELDAC Linkages Program.

The ELDAC Linkages Program is designed to help aged care providers improve the quality of care they offer to their residents. The program offers a range of resources and tools – including training, mentoring, and networking opportunities – to help aged care providers develop best practices and improve the delivery of care. At Rockpool Carseldine, we have found the ELDAC Linkages Program to be incredibly valuable in helping us improve our operations. We have enjoyed participating in the program for a few reasons.

Firstly, the ELDAC Linkages Program has provided us with access to a range of resources that have helped us to improve our care. The program offers a range of online resources – such as training modules, case studies, and toolkits – that have helped us develop and refine our care processes. For example, we have used the program's resources to develop a training program, which has helped us improve our handover to improve our resident’s experience. We have also used the program's resources to choose training programs, which has helped us ensure our new graduate registered nurses feel supported. The resources provided by the ELDAC Linkages Program have been extremely valuable in helping us improve the quality of care we offer our residents.

Secondly, the ELDAC Linkages Program has provided us with access to an expert facilitator who has helped us to develop our skills and knowledge in caring for older people. The program offers mentoring opportunities with a range of aged care experts, including nurses, and allied health professionals. At Rockpool Carseldine, we have developed our palliative care assessment, and implemented validated tools and indicators to help guide care. The mentoring has been invaluable in helping us to provide better care to our residents, and it has also been a fantastic opportunity for our staff to learn from some of the best people in the aged care industry.

Thirdly, the ELDAC Linkages Program has provided us with networking opportunities that have helped us to build relationships with other aged care providers. The program offers a networking event and workshops where aged care providers can come together to share their experiences and learn from each other. These events have been a great way for us to connect with other providers, and to learn about the challenges they face and the strategies they use to overcome them. We have found these networking events to be incredibly valuable in helping us to build our knowledge and skills in aged care, and they have also been a great way to share our experiences and contribute to the aged care community.

Rockpool Carseldine is enjoying participating in the ELDAC Linkages Program for a range of reasons. We have found the program to be incredibly valuable in helping us improve the quality of care we offer our residents, and it has provided us with access to a range of resources, mentors, and networking opportunities that have helped us build our knowledge and skills in aged care. We believe that the ELDAC Linkages Program will continue to be an important resource for us as we continue to innovate and improve our care processes, and we look forward to continued focus on palliative care in the future.


Profile picture of Latika Dumaru

Latika Dumaru

Profile picture of Karen Conroy

Karen Conroy

