New palliative care helpline: 1800 870 155
A guest blog post from Dr Georgia Rowley, Research Associate and Caroline Litster, Research and Helpline Team, ELDAC
What is the ELDAC helpline?
The End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) helpline (1800 870 155) offers free access to information over the phone to people caring for older Australians with a palliative need. This includes all health professionals and workers in residential aged care, home care, general practice, primary health networks, and allied health professionals. Callers caring for older Australians at the end of life can talk to trained staff with knowledge relating to aged care, primary health and palliative care sectors. We can help you explore what type of support you might need and we can provide you with evidence-based materials such as factsheets, forms and templates, how-to guides, education, and resources – whatever you may need to support your query.
Why was the ELDAC helpline established?
Palliative and end of life care are important elements of the services delivered by aged care providers, but navigating this space is often complex. The phone service was established to help aged care workers, nurses, GPs and other health care professionals find information, resources, and services. Our helpline can provide easily accessible and state-based advice and support no matter where you are located. We facilitate connection, and can direct you through troves of online resources, to facilitate best-practice care.
Who does the ELDAC helpline support?
Our helpline is novel in that we provide a service to aged care workers and health care professionals that other helplines in Australia don’t offer. We are here to assist any health care professional or care worker with palliative care and advance care planning queries. We strive to provide individuals with current, evidence-based guidelines, and sound information and resources. In some situations, alternative services may be better placed to help you with your query, and in such cases, we can assist you in locating other, more appropriate options.
Why call the helpline?
Obtaining information or advice via phone is sometimes more time efficient than navigating online. Our helpline team have knowledge of national and state-based organisations and systems relating to aged care, primary health and palliative care sectors which can help you explore what types of support you may need.
The helpline is attended Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm (Australian Central Daylight/Standard Time). Calls are free from any fixed line phone anywhere in Australia, while mobile call costs are determined by service providers. You can leave us a message outside of business hours, or email our team at We will often email you information and resources to assist in answering your queries.
What support and advice do we offer?
- Information such as factsheets that you can share with the people you care for and their caregivers;
- Best practice in a range of activities to support people living with a palliative illness, as well as their caregivers; and
- Templates that may be clinically helpful in delivering good palliative care
Providing access to advice, training and linkages through the development and implementation of a suite of capacity building resources will empower and inform health care professionals and aged care workers. This support service was established to build on the existing palliative care skills and advance care planning expertise of aged care workers and health care professionals caring for recipients of aged care services. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Dr Georgia Rowley, Research Associate, ELDAC

Caroline Litster, Research and Helpline Team, ELDAC