About the Project - About ELDAC

About the Project

ELDAC is a national specialist palliative care and advance care planning advisory service. ELDAC provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians. The project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and is delivered by a consortium of three universities and four national peak bodies from aged care, palliative care and primary care.

The ELDAC website is free to access and offers a range of information and practical tools to support clinicians and care providers to plan and provide quality palliative and end life care. Various printed resource packs can also be ordered via the ELDAC website free of charge. The ELDAC project also offers curated collection of resources and tools, as Toolkits, to support service level processes around palliative and end of life care. There are also several interactive digital tools designed to help aged care workers such as a Home Care App, a Self-Care Room, and a palliative care Digital Dashboard, to name a few. Aged care services wishing to work even more closely with the project can participate in the ELDAC Service Development Program and have a dedicated ELDAC facilitator help build their service level capability around end of life and palliative care.

ELDAC works in partnership with and builds on the work and resources developed by other National Palliative Care projects including, but not limited to, palliAGED, CareSearch, PEPA, PACOP, Advance Care Planning Australia.


QUT (administration lead), FUSA, and UTS manage the ELDAC project, its finances, contracts, governance, communications, reporting and evaluation. PCA, ACCPA, AHHA, and CHA play an important role, particularly in the linkage and partnerships, as well as policy and planning discussions.

QUT is a co-lead and administrative lead for the ELDAC project. Both the Centre for Research Excellence in End of Life Care (CRE-ELC) and the Australian Centre for Health Law Research (ACHLR) at QUT are involved in the ELDAC project.

QUT also leads the service and sector development part of ELDAC. This entails determining existing specialist palliative care and aged care partnerships, developing sustainable linkage strategies for aged care and palliative care incorporating partnerships and networks, and providing service-to-service advisory services. QUT has also developed the Linkages (formerly known as Working Together) Toolkit and the Legal Toolkit.

QUT is also involved in the policy aspect of the ELDAC project. This entails reviewing current key policy issues which will be put out for broad consultation (including roundtable discussions) and writing policy briefs and publications to inform policy and planning.

QUT staff are members of the Project Operations Group, the Partnerships Group, the Policy Enablement Group and the Communications Working Group.

Flinders University is a co-lead for the ELDAC project. CareSearch, Flinders University is involved in the ELDAC Project. CareSearch provides information and direct links to quality resources in palliative care.

Flinders University has leadership of the advisory services developed in the ELDAC project. As part of this, Flinders University has:

  • developed a database of specialist palliative care and advance care planning resources
  • developed and hosts the ELDAC website
  • developed and operates the ELDAC Helpline, and
  • coordinated the development of the five ELDAC toolkits.

Flinders University leads the development of a prototype of a digital dashboard which will be tested in residential and community settings as part of the project.

Flinders University chairs the Communications Working Group, and is a member of the Project Operations Group and the Partnerships Group.

UTS is a co-lead for the ELDAC project. UTS has developed the Residential Aged Care Toolkit and the Home Care Toolkit and will conduct the evaluation of the digital dashboard. UTS is a member of the Project Operations Group, the Partnerships Group and the Communication Working Group.

PCA will review key policy issues related to palliative care and advance care planning within aged care, which will be examined and discussed at a series of roundtables leading to the development of policy briefs to inform policy and planning. Opportunities for publications will also be considered. PCA chairs the Policy Enablers Group, and is a member of the Partnerships Group and the Communications Working Group.

ACCPA is involved in the policy and advisory services activities of the ELDAC project. ACCPA will participate in the rollout of the Digital Dashboard. ACCPA is a member of the Partnerships Group, the Policy Enablement Group and the Communications Working Group.

AHHA has developed the Primary Care Toolkit. AHHA is involved in the policy and advisory services activities of the ELDAC project. AHHA is a member of the Partnerships Group.

CHA is involved in the policy and advisory services activities of the ELDAC project. CHA will participate in the rollout of the digital dashboard. CHA is a member of the Partnerships Group and the Policy Enablement Group.

How ELDAC can help

ELDAC can help by providing you resources and tools to build your skills, knowledge and confidence in end of life caregiving. ELDAC can also support aged care services to build their palliative care giving processes via their unique set of toolkits, digital technology tools, and an array of quality resources.

Further information

If you would like more information or have any queries about the ELDAC project, please contact us at eldac.project@flinders.edu.au

Page updated 06 June 2024