Your Learning Needs - Dementia

Your Learning Needs

This section of the Dementia Toolkit provides opportunity for you to evaluate your learning and development needs and identify ways to address your learning needs.

Assessing Your Dementia Knowledge

The Dementia Knowledge Assessment Tool Version 2 (DKAT2) was developed by Australian researchers to assess knowledge of dementia. There are 21 statements to answer. At the end of the Tool you can see how many statements you got correct and identify areas where you might need to focus your learning. The Dementia Assessment Knowledge Tool can be repeated at your annual review.

Dementia Knowledge Assessment Tool

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    • Dementia Knowledge Assessment Tool Version 2 (DKAT2)

      Here are some statements about dementia. Please read each statement carefully and place a tick in the box to show if you agree or disagree with the statement, or if you don’t know. It is important to tick only one box (yes, no or don’t know) for every statement.

    The Dementia Knowledge Test Version 2 was developed from Version 1 at Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, the Australian Catholic University and University of Tasmania by Toye, C., Lester, L., Popescu, A., McInerney, F., Andrews, S., and Robinson, A.L. Version 1 was developed at Edith Cowan University with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and support from a dementia education consortium led by Alzheimer’s Australia WA. 24, 25

    What to do after completing your Dementia Knowledge Assessment Test

    After you have completed the Dementia Knowledge Assessment Tool Version 2 identify three areas where you need to improve your dementia knowledge. This might be specifically in providing palliative care and advance care planning for people with dementia or you may feel you need to improve your basic knowledge of dementia.

    It is also recommended that you create a dementia learning plan. You can use the ELDAC Dementia Personal Learning Plan (147kb pdf) provided to document your learning needs and review this annually with your supervisor.

    Once you have created your learning plan and identified your learning needs and areas where further training is required, browse the links provided in this section of the Dementia Toolkit on various types of education and resources that are recommended by the ELDAC team.

    To assess your general knowledge on advance care planning and palliative care you can complete the ELDAC Personal Learning Assessment (673kb pdf).

    Page updated 12 December 2022