Sundale's first palliative care conference recognises palliative care as 'so much more' than end-of-life care Sundale, a community based not for profit aged care organisation, recently hosted the Sunshine... Read more...
Building staff education and confidence through the ELDAC Linkages Program The Butler Canberra is excited to participate in the ELDAC Linkages Program as we recognise the... Read more...
Advance Care Planning - Why are the numbers so low and how can we fix it? The prevalence of advance care planning in primary care is vastly lower than in aged care and... Read more...
The road ahead for primary care in supporting Australians at the end of life The COVID-19 pandemic over the last few years has stretched the healthcare workforce, and the... Read more...
Addressing cultural fears of talking about death and dying in aged care Most Chinese people believe it is taboo to talk about death when the person is still alive, so... Read more...
When your heart is in two places at once - End-of-life care for older first-generation migrants Dr Gerber and her NARI colleagues Associate Professor Bianca Brijnath, Emma Maharaj, and Dr... Read more...
Palliative medication at the end of life: an honour and a right Palliative medications are a key component of good palliative care and can help to provide pain... Read more...
'Dying to talk' death cafes spark end of life care conversations in aged care As a palliative care nurse, I was involved as a stakeholder with Multicultural Village Aged Care... Read more...
Implementing the ELDAC Digital Dashboard across multiple residential care sites As an aged care service that has recently embedded the ELDAC Digital Dashboard into our IT... Read more...